End of the year things (but not a year in review or goals for 2014, promise)

I had my annual review at work today. I wasn’t nervous or anything, but I wasn’t sure how it would go since I have had the same manager for the last four years but over the summer I moved into a new role so now I report to someone else. But it went well! We both agreed on my goals for the coming quarter and year and were also on the same page about where I was already doing awesome. I don’t know how things are at other companies, but I think the way we do reviews is great; I always feel super jazzed about the coming year and proud of myself for what I did in the current year.

Speaking of the end of the year, our New Year’s plans got canceled at the last minute (longish, boring story) so now we’re debating staying home and cooking, maybe grabbing dinner, or seeing who else might be free for some beers and board games. We’ve done almost every kind of New Year’s Eve I can think of: fancy dinner out, big house party, small house party, a concert, a weekend in the mountains, at home with lots of family, board game night with friends…but never a cozy evening at home for two so maybe we’ll try that just because it’s new. I also feel kind of lame trying to drum up other plans now and like most people we know probably already have something set.

As long as I can listen to my favorite version of Auld Lang Syne and drink a glass (or three) of champagne, I’m happy.
